
Paula Dupraz-Dobias

Paula Dupraz-Dobias is an award-winning investigative journalist and news and documentary producer with over 30 years of experience in all forms of media in Europe, North America and South America. She is based in Switzerland, but works regularly in Peru and the United States.

Disease X: Are we ready for the next killer pandemic? | Flatten the Curve | EP 2

Five years since it was discovered, our greatest disease experts say far worse pandemics are imminent and the world is unprepared. Not enough research has been done into many of the organisms that cause infectious diseases. The World Health Organization is particularly concerned about Disease X, an unknown pathogen that could cause a catastrophic outbreak. Societal apathy and anti-vaccination attitudes have skyrocketed due to a tide of conspiracy theories and misinformation. Episode 2 of Flatten the Curve examines the challenges in pandemic-proofing our world from Disease X.

Can a pandemic treaty end vaccine inequity in Africa? | Flatten the Curve | EP 1

A quarter of the global population remains unvaccinated for COVID-19, five years after the virus emerged. During the pandemic, African countries were among the last to receive life-saving medicines because powerful nations control vaccine stockpiles. This “vaccine apartheid” fuels distrust in expensive Western-made vaccines. Senegal and other African nations will produce more of their own vaccines to protect the disease-prone continent. A pandemic treaty being negotiated at the World Health Organization could also help Global South nations better prepare for outbreaks. Credits: Presenter and Series Producer: Drew Ambrose Supervising Producer: Nick Olle Associate Producer: Medhavi Arora, Paula Dupraz-Dobias

Trois ans après la reprise de Kaboul par les talibans, l’aide peine à parvenir aux Afghans désespérés

«Les habitants sont de moins en moins éduqués, l’économie est un désastre, l’élite a fui vers l’Iran et le Pakistan, voire à l’Ouest. Comment redresser l’Afghanistan?» Ancien étudiant en médecine puis consultant pour le gouvernement afghan pendant l’occupation américaine, Jahed Hamrah qui vit aux Etats-Unis après avoir passé plusieurs années en Suisse, a largement perdu espoir pour son pays.
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